26 March 2011

Shared Spaces.

If you walk around the CBD, you will notice road works in some parts of the city. This is because of the Council's project Pedestrians in Space. Here are some photos that I took recently of what's going on around Auckland city.
Construction in Fort Street
Darby street almost finished
The project involves upgrading streets in the CBD to make it more pedestrian friendly. Darby street is close to completion while there are sill on going works in Fort St, Elliot St and Lorne St (outside the Auckland library). The outcome is for pedestrians to have the right of way allowing them to move easily and without the fear of speeding cars passing by. There will be more space for outdoor activities and events as well as for people to gather. Its aim is to provide attractive destinations for people to visit, spend time in and shop.

The projected outcome of the streets is shown by these images:
Elliot street
Photo from: Auckland Council
Darby street when completed
Photo from: Auckland Council

I think introducing shared spaces in Auckland is a really good idea. It will make the streetscape visually pleasing therefore will attract more people. I know I will be more comfortable walking in a shared space like Darby St. than what it used to be like (full of cars/trucks parked on the side of the road). It will make my trip to the different shops around enjoyable. I can't wait to see the improvements when all the upgrades are done!

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