6 April 2011

Money well spent or a complete waste?

The proposed Te Waka Maori Pavillion
Image from NZ Herald
There has been a lot of talk today about the proposed Waka Pavillion to be built in Auckland's waterfront for the upcoming Rugby World Cup. The Waka will be 60m long and 15m high and made out of plastic. The buzz is about how much it will cost to build the structure. It has been estimated to cost around 2 million dollars.

People who are opposed to the idea is saying that the Waka structure is unnecessary and a waste of money. The government is spending around 1.8million on it and $100,000 is from Ngati Whatua o Orakei who will own the structure after it's built. Is it really necessary for the government to spend that much money on something that they will not even own afterwards?

I think the idea of promoting Maori culture during the world cup is essential. However, I don't think building this structure is the best one to do so. The structure will be made out of plastic which may look very artificial as a real waka is made out of wood. It will also be designed to be easily deconstructed so that it will be portable and can be transferred around the country.

It is a very expensive project. Along with the Cloud, the government has been spending so much in preparation for the Rugby World Cup (9.8 million for the Cloud and 2million for the waka). I don't think the waka is necessary to promote Maori. If they want an iconic structure to represent the Maori culture in New Zealand, then a temporary blow up waka isn't the best idea. Personally, I could think of other ways to spend the 2million dollars to promote Maori heritage and culture. The structure might look interesting and inviting to tourists but what will happen after the world cup? Where will it go? Who gets the profits for it?

These are more photos of what the waka would look like:
Images from NZ Herald
What do you think? Is this worth 2million dollars or is the government wasting taxpayer's money?

If you want to know more about this and answer the poll, read today's NZ Herald, Dominion Post and Radio NZ.


  1. My co-worker just told me about this the other day and I thought it was ridiculous! The photos look cool, but I personally think there are a LOT more things the money could and should go towards instead of this.

  2. It is ridiculous! I've been reading a lot about this because heaps of people are opposed to it. One article even said it was only going to be up for a few weeks (I think it was two). Definitely not worth 2million!

    I completely agree. I can think of other things to be spent on with the money they are going to use for this project. What a waste.

  3. I think it's unique! I like it! It will be a talking point and utterly memorable. It's a contemporary take on Maori culture that brings it into this century. It is a resource than can be reused by the community.

    However it IS a bit pricey....I have no idea how much alternative structures would cost. The cloud is 5 times the price and no where near as interesting in my opinion.


  4. Fair enough. Some people like it, some people don't. I don't like it because of the amount needed to build the structure. 2 million is indeed pricey and not worth it if it will only be up for 2 weeks.

    I have to agree with you on the cloud. The cloud looks like a slug to me based on its design (http://www.aucklandtrains.co.nz/2010/10/25/party-central-will-be-the-cloud/) and the government is spending almost 10million on that one. It's absurd.
