25 April 2011

Urban Planning.

I happened to come across The Urban Planner website while browsing planning-related stuff and I found a few interesting posts. This one in particular lists 15 things that one should know about urban planning.

It's titled as 15 Beautiful and Informative Urban Planning Infographics. The things listed below explores the different aspects of urban planning. The 15 things are:

  1. World Population Density.
  2. Space Taken by 60 People.
  3. 1972 System Map.
  4. Locals and Tourists.
  5. Burning Man Infographic.
  6. 311 Calls and New York City.
  7. Cost of owning a car.
  8. Most Bike-Friendly Cities.
  9. What is Your Water Footprint?.
  10. Ring Roads of the World.
  11. America’s Best & Worst Commutes.
  12. The Systematic City.
  13. Bike-Opolis.
  14. Public Transportation.
  15. Understanding Chinese Energy.
If you're bored or want to know more about urban planning, go check some of the sites out. I'm sure out of the 15 you'll find something that interests you. I did and they are informative in their own simple way.

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