2 May 2011

A future project?

What High St. could look like if pedestrianised.
Photo source: Eyeonauckland

I discovered the EyeonAuckland website today and in their iWish section is this photo of High St if it is pedestrianised. The post stated:
High Street is currently one of the most unattractive places for people to walk and spend time in, the pavements are barely a meter wide in some places and 90% of the street is used by trades-people and for parking.
High Street has the potential to be the most sought after street for people to mingle, shop and play in but as it stands people find it extremely uncomfortable to walk and people don’t want to hang around there. As a result the shops and restaurants are suffering.
I agree with the statement as I walk through High St. to and from Uni. The footpaths are tiny and uneven. The streetscape of High St. isn't appealing and the parked cars on both sides of the road makes the street seem smaller and even claustrophobic. I like the artist impression of what it could look like if it becomes pedestrianised. I think the Auckland Council should look into transforming High St. in lieu of their current Shared Spaces projects.

If you want to get this project noticed by the Council, help Eyeonauckland by sending an email to Shale Chambers of the Auckland Council (shale.chambers@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz).
As the author said on her concluding statement: Together, we can make a difference.


  1. what a difference for High Street! There would be a better ambience if it becomes pedestrianised. It should be improved and I do hope the council takes this on board.

  2. I agree. I would want to see High St. to look like the second photo. It would be a more vibrant and active space if it becomes pedestrianised.

  3. I love this new design for High St. I think many of the one-way streets in the CBD should really be pedestrianized, like the new Darby Street is looking good. The cars crammed into this tiny street just makes it so unattractive and the street does have some pretty boutique stores which deserve a better street environment.

  4. Me too Sandy! I like the idea of High Street's pedestrianised. I think it would attract more people. I mean, all the shops in High St are boutique/designer stores that sell quality goods. Wouldn't you want the surrounding environment to be in quality condition too?

    At the moment, High St is a small, ugly, dirty and congested one-way street in Auckland. An upgrade is needed.
